Eat Local Series :: Carlson Farm

Never one to disappoint, Norm’s half chicken was a big hit!

I have to say that I so enjoyed the simplicity of this meal. I reheated leftover grits, roasted some veggies, and put the half chicken on the stove in my dutch oven. With a snap of my fingers, dinner was ready. Go ahead and call me a Domestic Diva or Cooking Queen – I’ll answer to either 🙂

My husband could not stop raving about how delicious the chicken was (less because of me, more because of the way it was raised). The man CLEANED every piece of meat off the bones and was utterly defeated when he learned I hadn’t cooked both halves.

Keeping with eating local, I used a BBQ glaze by American Spoon, which is based out of Saugatuck, MI.

You can buy the glaze here:

On a side note: Their Bloody Mary mix is the answer to every Bloody Mary drinker looking for a twist on their hot tomato cocktail. American Spoon adds horseradish to their mix which gives a nice little firey kick to your taste buds.

{Half Chicken with Maple BBQ }


  • 1 half chicken from Carlson Farms
  • 2-3 TBSP Montreal Steak seasoning
  • 1/4 cup Maple BBQ Grilling Sauce
  • ~1 cup vegetable stock


  1. Add the olive oil to the bottom of your dutch oven, place on stove over medium-high heat. FullSizeRender (1)
  2. Generously season chicken with seasoning, patting the seasoning into the chicken.
  3. Place chicken in dutch oven, meatier side up to start, and cover. Reduce heat to medium.
  4. Cook for 3-5 minutes then flip. Add a splash of vegetable stock to dutch oven to ensure that the chicken will not stick to the bottom and to keep the meat moist.
  5. After 3-5 minutes, return the chicken to meat side up and glaze with about 1/3 of the sauce. Add additional stock to the bottom of the dutch oven, if necessary. Cover and allow to cook for a few minutes then flip and repeat.
  6. For the last 3-5 minutes of cooking, return the chicken to meat side up, and glaze with remaining sauce. Turn off heat and cover until ready to serve.




Eat Local Series {Carlson Farms}


While in my rotation at Bronson Hospital, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know the vendors who participate in the Winter Market. Working alongside such wonderful people has been an incredible experience!

I was asked to create new sign boards for Norm Carlson of Carlson Farms. Last week, we surprised Norm with new boards that list his products and prices. Although unnecessary, Norm graciously sent me home with a goodie bag of chicken, eggs, bacon, and chorizo.

The first recipe in my Carlson Farm series is a Smashed Red Skin appetizer.

The buttery flavor of the potato pairs so well with Norm’s uncured bacon, finished off with a sprinkle of cheese and a dash of salt & pepper – delicious!

Check out more from Norm at

{Smashed Red Skins}


  • 6 pieces Carlson Farm Bacon, Uncured
  • 8 red skin potatoes
  • 1/2 cup Cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup Olive oil
  • Salt & pepper, to taste


  1. Wash potatoes. Place in a pot and add enough water to cover the potatoes. Bring water to a boil then reduce to a simmer. Cook until potatoes are tender.
  2. While potatoes are cooking, cook bacon over medium heat in a cast-iron skillet. Pepper bacon as it cooks. Cook until crispy. Remove from skillet and dab off grease with paper towel then crumble bacon.
  3. Once potatoes are tender, remove from water and allow to cool for a few minutes.
  4. Add olive oil to cast iron skillet and heat over a low-medium flame.
  5. Cut red skins in half then add to skillet cut-side down. Cook on each side for 3-5 minutes or until golden brown.
  6. Remove from skillet, smash using an avocado smasher or the back of a spoon. Salt and pepper then sprinkle with cheese and crumbled bacon.
  7. Serve immediately.



Eat Local – Kalamazoo Edition

I deserve a good pat on the back for all the things I accomplished this weekend.

I made it to the Farmer’s Market on Saturday, despite the steady drizzle of cold rain and bone chilling wind. And Dan came with me. #winning

Even with the dreary weather, we had a blast. Both of us got a little glazed over as we peered over the cornucopia each vendor had displayed. It felt great to pick out anything I wanted knowing it was grown responsibly,organically, and locally! We picked out brussel sprouts, onions, spinach, cranberries, carrots, and granola. Dan tried a crepe sandwich made by a few ladies from the People’s Food Co-op. It was gone before I could even ask for a bite.

Dan and I agreed we should go to the Farmer’s Market more often. It is less expensive than the grocery store & we get better food – total win/win. It makes for a fun date, too. Sipping on coffee while strolling through the market is a great way to start your morning.

The Kalamazoo Farmer’s Market is located at 1204 Bank St. Kalamazoo, MI. Click on the link to check out their website:

I also visited the People’s Food Co-op this weekend. Dan and I are hosting Thanksgiving with the Byers at our house this year. I wanted a fresh turkey so I didn’t have a gigantic bird taking up all my fridge space for like 4 days. The PFC is selling fresh and frozen birds that are fed non-GMO feed & raised cage-free. Our turkey will be coming from La Grange, IN from an Amish farmer named Henry, who owns Old Home Place farms. The frozen birds are coming from New York. Check out their website for more info:

In preparation for every one coming, Dan organized the basement & set up the guest room. I got pillows for the window seat & a centerpiece for our Thanksgiving feast. We also picked up a few Christmas decorations while we were out. Our little house is so cozy & is beginning to look ready for the holiday season!

To wrap up the weekend, I made a huge beef pot roast for Dan to eat this week. Look for the recipe in my next post.

Hope your weekend was as relaxing & productive as mine!

