Curry-iously delicious Hummus

Let’s be honest, we are suckers for a good dip. Whether sweet or savory, there is something oddly satisfying about dipping and munching.

Any one who’s been following my blog for a while knows my dip of choice is hummus – or gauc- (they’re both favorites! bonus points if you understand that reference).  Hummus is a great source of protein, healthy fats, and makes eating veggies all the more fun. Store bought hummus is usually made with added oils and preservatives, plus it is way more expensive to buy rather than make it.

Aside from classic hummus, I have a handful of add-ins like rosemary or roasted red peppers that I usually throw in when making hummus. But this time, I decided to take a walk on the wild side.

We’ve recently discovered the magical power of curry paste. A teaspoon whisked in to just about anything and *BAM* just like that, you’ve taken your dish to a whole new level. Hummus, as it turns out, is not an exception.

{Curry Hummus}


  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 1/4 cup Tahini
  • 1 lime
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon red curry paste
  • 1 teaspoon granulated ginger
  • 1 teaspoon basil leaves (Fresh


  1. Partially drain about 3/4 of the fluid from the chickpeas. Add the chickpeas, along with the fluid, to your food processor.
  2. Cut your lime in half and squeeze the juice into the food processor. Add remaining ingredients to food processor.
  3. Blend on high until hummus is smooth and creamy.
  4. Serve with veggies or pita chips.



Rosemary Garlic Hummus

So, to be fair and honest – the last post was written over a month ago. I FINALLY got around to making the graphic for it and then published it.

I’m disappointed that I took such a long break from blogging. It is a great outlet for my creative energy and a good way to process all the chaos of life. When I have to sit down long enough to string coherent thoughts together, I’m able to figure out why I’m feeling the way I am. Cooking is and always has been a stress reliever for me and I so enjoy sharing this passion with other people. I’m feeling renewed, inspired, and ready to jump back into blogging! 🙂

I am proud to say that I hosted Thanksgiving this year, despite an oven that decided to up and quit just about a week before. Both turkeys turned out really well and I made created my own cranberry sauce recipe that everyone loved (humble brag intended).

I had planned on making a spread of appetizers but people trickled in so close to when the grand feast would be ready, we ended up just munching on this hummus. Its a nice change from the normal varities that you’d find in the grocery store. Plus, homemade is free of the extra oils that store bought hummus tends to contain.

I’ve been making my own hummus for years. Trying out different recipes, combining recipes, or just making things up as I go along. The first few attempts didn’t turn out too well – I got thick, crumbly hummus instead of smooth and spreadable. I’m hear to tell ya, I’ve uncovered the secret to create smooth, creamy hummus. And because I’m nice, I’m going to share it with you so you don’t have to suffer through not so great hummus.

The trick is drain about 2/3 of the water off the chickpeas then add the remaining water and chickpeas to your food processor to make your hummus. So simple, right? I’m really hoping at least one other person didn’t know this so I don’t sound like an idiot 🙂

I also left my food processor on a few minutes longer than what I have done in the past. This helped to create almost a “whipped” consistency.

{Rosemary Garlic Hummus}


  • 1 can Chickpeas, 1/3 of the liquid remaining (or Garbonzo beans)
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1/4 cup tahini
  • 3-5 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  • Juice from half of a lemon
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Pinch of salt and pepper


  1. Drain 2/3 of liquid off chickpeas, add what remians to food processor.
  2. Add remaning ingredients
  3. Put food processor on high and blend 3 to 5 minutes, or until smooth and creamy.
  4. Serve with fresh celery, carrots, cucumber, and pita points.





Panera Bread Power Chicken Hummus Bowl Copycat

Earlier this week, my mom, sister, baby Jake, and I went down to Michigan City to do some holiday shopping.

Before we hit the outlets, we stopped at Panera to eat so we had enough energy to shop to our hearts content. I usually opt for the B-Green Smoothie at Panera but I decided on the Power Hummus Bowl. Since I don’t eat meat, I asked for avocado instead of chicken & they happily made the change free of charge. It was a great salad & I really enjoyed using the hummus & lemon as the dressing.

After all the holiday food last weekend, I’ve been trying to focus on eating lots of greens & seasonal veggies. This salad is a great way to eat lots of fresh, detoxifying veggies on one plate! I’m eager to see if I like my version of this salad as much as I enjoyed the Panera version.

{Hummus Bowl Salad}


  • 1.5 cups washed baby spinach
  • 1/4 of an onion, diced
  • 1/4 of a bell pepper, diced
  • 1/4 of a cucumber, quartered
  • 1/2 lemon, cut into two wedges
  • 1/4 cup turmeric roasted potatoes
  • 1 stalk celery, diced
  • 8-10 springs of parsley, chopped roughly
  • 2 TBSP hummus


  1. Wash & dry baby spinach leaves, roughly chop if desired
  2. Place spinach in medium sized bowl
  3. Wash remaining ingredients then cut into appropriate sizes
  4. Top spinach with vegetables & 2 TBSP of hummus
  5. When ready to eat, squeeze lemon juice from lemon wedges over salad. Enjoy!

