The 411 on my Internship

I promised you all a peek at the projects and worksheets from my internship weeks ago. I tried multiple times to figure out how to add a new category for these but to no avail.

Well, guess what, I FINALLY figured it out!

I’m about half way through my hospital food service rotation and am really enjoying it. I’ve been able to work on a lot of great projects about nutrition.

I’m attaching all the worksheets and projects I’ve completed for my Community rotation to this post.

Feel free to comment with questions!











#InternLife :: Breastfeeding Project

As part of the dietetic internship, I have been asked to do a presentation about breastfeeding to a group of migrant mothers.

I was specifically asked to present about milk production, how to eat well during lactation, and any other information I felt was relevant.

I have been working with mothers, both nursing and formula feeding, for a little over a year now. I have gained a whole new appreciation for what it is to be a mother. Throughout the past year, I have seen numerous mom find success and heart break over breastfeeding. There are so many stigmas surrounding breastfeeding and WIC has been trying to break those barriers to allow new (and experienced) moms to feel safe and comfortable to feed their baby where ever they are.

In an effort to share the experiences of breastfeeding mothers, I posted on Facebook the following status:

To all my Mommy Friends who have breastfed: I am putting together a presentation about breastfeeding and I want to know what your tips & tricks are? What was the best advice you received about breastfeeding? Is there something you wish you knew about breastfeeding before you started?

I have had great responses and plan to use them as part of my presentation. One momma who responded also sent me some of the journal entries she kept while pumping.

Her is what she wrote:

//The pump: hospital vs. home//
I use Medela products. Not because I think they’re supreme to all other pumping products, because I got it for free (well, my insurance covered it). The pump-in-style is a great portable unit, however it can not be as finely tuned as its hospital-grade friend, the symphony. If you are nursing and merely need to pump at work or pump to stimulate more milk production, the pump-in-style works great. It is a lightweight unit that does the trick. If, however, you pump exclusively, or have issues with prolonged use of the PIS, the Symphony is a great option. I pumped with the PIS for three months before I tested out the Symphony (which was really stupid to wait that long). Boy, does it make a difference if you experience nipple pain, thrush, or cracks. The symphony’s suction can be set at a MUCH lower level so it doesn’t feel like an alligator latching on to your already sore nipples. The only draw-back for the symphony is that you must fork out some $$$ to use it. Most hospitals rent them out….usually in Monthly/tri-monthly intervals. It’s worth it.

// The pump parts: horns, coconut oil //
Ahhhh, the parts to the pump. Basically just a endless collection of itty bitty nooks and crannies for milk to get in and almost never get out. 😐 In case you were not made aware, The horns for Medela’s pumps come in a variety of sizes. The standard (what comes with your pump) size is 24mm. I had to get bigger horns…look up Medelas size guide. Your nipples will thank you.

//Engorgement 😨 //
A better term for this is “Blue Boobs”…tell your hubby engorgement feels like “blue balls” and he’ll get the picture real quick.

//Blocked ducts 😩//
Think of a volcano. Hot, firery, cavernous zit of the earth. Now put a lid on it. That pretty much covers it. I read that applying heat to the area helps…didn’t usually do much for me. What worked best was to keep pumping that breast and massaging the area.

Nipples (flat, cracked, blistered)
Thrush 👹 … Yeast is an SOB
Mastitis 👿😡😭
Nursing pads
Pumping bra

//The pumping mothers biggest nemesis: Places to pump in public//
😳….Crap! I have to pump!
😣….Where am I to go!?!
😩….There is no place to go!!!
😡….Someone suggested a public restroom…Here you go, Baby! A yummy bottle of milk with just a tinge of feces!

//My bag: pump, cover, towel, cleaning wipes, creams, etc.//
I use a Skip Hop diaper bag for my pulp bag. It works AWESOME! [I seriously love my Skip Hop diaper bags…yes, bags…I have two (one for my pump and one to use as a diaper bag)…and I recommend you do the same.] My pump and its accessories, a pumping bra, a pumping/nursing cover, and a towel fit wonderfully in the main compartment of the pump bag. In one side pocket I keep a travel sized/sample sized bottle of Palmolive (I got it in the hospital) and a thing of gum. In the other pocket I keep all of my creams (coconut oil, lanolin, triple antibiotic ointment, etc.). Inside the 4 pockets of the main compartment  I keep extra nursing pads, some paper towel, and the Medela pump-cleaning wipes.

//iPhone app ❤️//
American Baby – Baby Nursing
Has settings for pumping and nursing.

//Supplement Superheros! 👏🏻//
MotherLove lactation drops 💧
Mothers Milk Tea ☕️
Water 💦💦




I promised you all a recipe for cheddar beer biscuits and have yet to follow through on that. I’ve started my internship, which is partly to blame, but I also decided I wanted to “up my game” when it came to blogging. Meaning, I would post more consistently (I’m really doing great with that one) and take more pictures while I cook to add to my posts.

As it turns out, being an intern (and working and being a wife, sister, friend) keeps you very busy. There is a balance here, so bear with me as I try to find it. I’ve also discovered that taking pictures while cooking is harder than it sounds. As much as I love my iPhone to be covered in flour/eggs/sugar/sauce, I’m not willing to shell out the crazy amount of dollars for a new one in the event that said coverings venture to a place they do not belong. I do have a camera but the “Food” setting is something I have yet to figure out. Again, there is a solution or balance here, I just have to find it.

I did get a few good shots of the beer biscuits that I need to edit. As soon as that happens, I’ll post the recipe with the beauty shots. Its worth the wait.

Now, for those of you who are reading my blog to learn more about what life turns into when you become a dietetic intern – read on.  I have started my community rotation at the WIC clinics that I also work in. This has been a nice way to ease into my internship. I’ve been able to work from home a few days and am able to work on internship projects when things are slow at the clinic.

I have shadowed a public health nurse for one of my requirements and really enjoyed that experience. I will be doing a few presentations in the next few weeks so I have working on getting those ready.  The first one is about breastfeeding. My goal for this presentation is to provide approachable advice for nursing moms about milk production, diet, supplements, and expectations.

If you’d like to see the worksheets, papers, or projects that I complete as I work my way through my internship, leave a comment. I’m happy to share!



Oatmeal Overhaul #1

It has been almost two weeks since I last posted! I will admit I am slacking on some of my New Year’s resolutions but not without reason. Fingers crossed, by the end of the week I will be mailing out my application for an internship through MSU. Filling out all the forms and gathering up all the documents I need has taken a bit more time than one would expect.  The end is in sight, however!

In addition to finishing up my application, I’ve also been working on the Nutrition party I’ll be hosting in February. I’ve got a few loose ends to tie up but things are coming together quite nicely.  I’ll post a few recipes from that party beforehand & the rest in the recap.

But for today, I’ve got an overnight steel cut oat recipe for you. This is the first time I’ve made it and I’ll be trying it out at lunch.

Later today, I’ll post my Aunt Natalie’s recipe for overnight oats that will forever change your life. 🙂

Overnight Steel Cut Oats


  • 1/4 cup steel cut oats
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 cup milk of choice
  • 1/2 TBSP ground flax meal


  1. In a small dish with a lid, combine all ingredients.
  2. Mix well to evenly distribute cinnamon and flaxmeal.
  3. Seal dish with lid then refrigerate overnight.
  4. Microwave until oats are warm and at desired consistency. Add a splash of creamer to sweeten if desired.