Summer Party Survival

The season of cook-outs, picnics, and summer parties is upon us! And while these gatherings are sure to be filled with fun, they can also do a doozy on that “summer bod” you’ve been working for.

Fear not, with a little planning, you can have your cake and eat it, too. In this post, I’ll share some ways to avoid over indulging .

The first rule: Wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming. Just kidding, swim before, during, and after your meal if you wish. Swimming is a great total body workout and it’s easy on your joints. 🙂

We’ve heard it all before but it is worth repeating, showing up to a summer gathering HANGRY is a recipe for disaster. Let’s be honest, when it feels like our body is eating itself, we reach for the closest edible item without really thinking about what it is. Before you know it, you’ve singlehandedly abolished the chips and salsa before the burgers even hit the grill.  Ensuring you’ve had a meal or snack prior to arriving to your summer shindig will help you make better decisions there.

Scope out the landscape and decide what will get real estate on your plate before bellying up to the food table.  If this feels like too much work or there are just some things you know you can’t say no to, watch your portions. Grab the smaller plate, if you have the option to. Alternatively, start with the greens then work your way to other dishes and limit yourself to one plate.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – with water. Jazz up your H2O with slices of citrus fruit and herbs. Dehydration can make us feel hungry when what your body is actually craving is hydration.

On the topic of liquids, opt for lighter summer libations. Think of alcohol as dessert and, of course, drink responsibly. My go to is cucumber vodka with soda water and a slice of lime. Super refreshing, simple, and free of additional calories from mixers. Drink a glass of water between cocktails to ensure adequate hydration.

Save a few calories by having an “open face” style burger or use a lettuce wrap. Be mindful on how many condiments you add to your burger as those calories can quickly add up.

Perhaps the most simple, yet the hardest trick, walking away from the food area once you’ve had your plate. When the food is right there in front of you, we’re all more likely to graze. Walking away can save you from the “oh I’ll just have a little nibble of this” mentality.

Last but not least, consider bringing along a healthier dish to pass. You can rest assured knowing that you have another option in addition to the veggie platter.
