The Incredible Edible Egg

I opened the fridge Sunday to realize I had about three dozen eggs waiting to be used. Because I tend to think of eggs as a breakfast food or for baking, I often forget I have so many.

With little motivation to make a big dinner Sunday night, I pulled out my “enough to feed an army” supply of eggs and whipped together a delicious scramble. Breakfast for dinner is always a good idea in my book!  Everything came together in a jiffy which lead me to realize that eggs are much more versatile than I give them credit for.  Get ready for a week full of egg recipes – and salad recipes! I need to remind myself that just because organic spinach is on sale, doesn’t mean you should buy every bag 🙂

Unless you struggle with high cholesterol, eggs are an excellent source of high quality protein. One egg contains 6 grams of protein and provides 70 calories. Eggs are also packed with vitamins and minerals making them an excellent alternative for meat.

{Breakfast for Dinner Egg Scramble}


  • 7 eggs
  • 1 orange bell pepper
  • 1/4 of a large white onion
  • 3-4 large handfuls of spinach
  • 1/2 cup salsa
  • 2 TBSP Fat free Ranch Dressing
  • 1 avocado


  1. Finely dice onion and bell pepper.
  2. Heat greased skillet over medium and saute vegetables until tender.
  3. Roughly chop spinach and add to skillet.
  4. In a bowl, whisk together eggs. Mix in salsa then add to skillet.
  5. Cook until eggs are done, stirring often.
  6. Plate eggs then top with salt, pepper, and diced avocado.

This makes a BIG batch! Plenty to feed 3-4 or two with leftovers for breakfast in the morning…



Potato Crust Quinoa Quiche

What a mouthful of a name! I couldn’t think of anything better so call it whatever you want 😉

I got up before the hubs Sunday morning & attempted to make this breakfast for him but I had Scandal playing on the iPad while I was cooking which basically translates to everything taking twice as long as it should. I’m fully addicting to that show, it’s a problem.

I wasn’t feeling up to the hassle of making a regular crust for the quiche so I used potatoes instead. They worked beautifully and created a fun layered look.

As for the rest of the ingredients, it was sort of an “everything but the kitchen sink”

I used left over quinoa and chicken from the wraps I made for dinner.

Because I took my sweet time prepping everything, I put the quiche in the oven about an hour later than what I wanted.  Quiche for lunch instead of breakfast. Que Sera.

*Disclaimer: I eyeballed a lot of stuff so adjust as you see fit. I ended up with extra potatoes and quiche filling. The measurements are according to what I made so you will end up with some extra.*

{Potato Crust Quinoa Quiche}


  • 3 small-medium sized potatoes
  • 1 fire roasted yellow pepper
  • 1/2 clove elephant garlic
  • 1/4 large white onion
  • 1 1/2 cups quinoa with black beans and tomatoes
  • 6 large eggs
  • 2 cups shredded cheese
  • 1 cup cubed chicken (I used chicken seasoned with cumin, peprika, chili powder and homemade pico de gallo)


  1. Wash potatoes and pat dry. Cut into thin slices
  2. On a grill pan (or saute pan) cook potato slices until softened and golden brown
  3. Preheat oven to 350 F
  4. Grease a 9×13 pie pan and arrange potato slices on the bottom and sides to make a “crust”
  5. In a food processor, pulse together garlic, onion and pepper.
  6. Beat 6 eggs in a large bowl. Add quinoa, chicken and onion/garlic/pepper mix to eggs then stir to combine
  7. Pour filling over crust & bake for about 45 minutes
  8. Once out of the oven, top quiche with shredded cheese.



Fiesta Omelet Bites

My sister & I have some of the greatest people in our lives.  One of our dearest friends got ahold of me last week to coordinate making freezer meals for my sister to have for when baby Jake decides to make his grand entrance. She actually contacted quite a few people & delivered all their meals to my sister yesterday. What a great friend 🙂

My sister LOVES the stir fry I make so my original plan was to make that for them.  I ended up deciding to make them a breakfast meal that could be stored in the freezer & would still reheat well.  I figured they would be getting a ton of dinners, soups, stews & the like.

The recipe is super easy & doesn’t take too much time.  It is important to let the bites cool before trying to remove them from the pan.

Fiesta Omelet Bites


  • 6 large eggs
  • 1/2 bell pepper
  • 1/2 summer squash
  • 1 to 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 can black beans
  • 1 can green chilis
  • 1 handful spinach leaves, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2-3/4 cup salsa
  • 3/4-1 cup grated cheese
  • Paprika, to taste
  • Seasoned salt, to taste
  • Onion salt, to taste
  • Chili Powder, to taste
  • Cumin, to taste
  • Red Pepper flakes, to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 380
  2. Chop summer squash, bell pepper, and spinach. Dice garlic, set aside.
  3. In a pan over medium-low heat, add EVOO & chopped vegetables.
  4. Drain green chilis & add to pan. Drain & rinse beans then add to pan.
  5. Add garlic & spices. Sautee mix until vegetables are tender.
  6. Meanwhile, beat eggs, milk, salsa, & cheese together in a medium bowl.
  7. Add sauteed mix to egg mixture. Stir until combined.
  8. Grease muffin pan. Spoon egg mixure into muffin tin.
  9. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown on top.
  10. Let cool then serve or cool completely then freeze in an air tight container.

Makes 1 dozen omelet bites when using a standard size muffin pan.