Living Your Best Life

I sometimes forget that you all are out there reading what I put on my blog. I’m truly flattered when someone reaches out to comment, like, or present an opportunity to continue to spread the word about health, wellness, and nutrition. Last week Cotopaxi contacted me with an amazing opportunity to share the infographic at the bottom of this post about health and wellness.

This got me thinking about the little ways that make a healthy lifestyle enjoyable and sustainable in a culture that makes it very easy to live, well, lazily.

As I started to brain storm, I began to realize that these little habits make up a big part of my day and when I don’t do them, I can tell.

For example, getting up to exercise in the morning sets the mood for my day. When I don’t, I often feel sluggish and moody. I strive to exercise or be active daily but usually night workouts feel less like “me” time and more like a chore. When I know I can’t make a morning workout happen, I try to find a buddy for my evening exercise. This shifts it back into “me” time and ensures that I will (1) show up to the gym (2) stay for my full workout (3) push myself just as hard as I would have that morning.

Almost every day, I pack myself breakfast and lunch. I do my best to plan ahead the night before to have it packaged, ready to grab in the morning, throw in my cooler and head out the door. When I don’t make time to do this the night before, it seriously slows me down in the morning – often cutting into my morning workout time. By planning ahead to have it ready, my morning starts off feeling prepped and ready to take on the day. For me, knowing that I’ve invested time and energy into what I’m bringing to fuel my day also leaves me feeling empowered. Further, having my lunch (and breakfast) packed significantly reduces the temptation to eat out which saves me calories and money. Now there is a win-win!

There are days when the stress of work and life get to me. On those days, I try my best to do some quality “self” care. Cooking, baking, or taking a long walk outside are my top 3 cures. My husband has become very good at knowing when I just need some time alone in the kitchen. I put on a show, audiobook, or music and spend some time re-organizing my fridge and cupboards then creating a meal with the things that need to be used before they go bad or expire.

What’s more comforting than the delicious smell of cookies or cake? Even if the recipe isn’t gluten-free, there is something very calming about the specific steps of baking. I like to try challenging recipes that require a lot of attention on days when I really need to refocus my brain. By having to concentrate and put all my energy on creating whatever recipe I’m baking, I can stop worrying about the stress of my day.

I grew up just minutes from Lake Michigan and while I love where I live now, I will never love it as much as my hometown. Being able to walk to the beach after a long, hard day is the best cure. There is a saying, “The cure for anything is saltwater, sweat, tears, or the sea.” Even though Lake Michigan is fresh water, I can’t agree with quote more. Going for a walk or run on the beach or having a good cry plopped down in the sand leaves me feeling much better. There is something incredibly calming and grounding about the beach for me.

What are some ways you live a healthy lifestyle and how do they impact your daily routine?
