Medical History & Supplements

It has been FOREVER since I have posted! March Madness is no joke! With the help of friends and family, Dan and I are moved into the new house and in the process of unpacking. Our kitchen is unpacked but not well-organized and we haven’t been in town long enough since moving to go to the grocery store! This weekend grocery shopping and organizing the pantry are #1 on the To-Do list.

Because I don’t have any new recipes to share, I thought I would post about the supplements I take.  First, let me fill you in on why.

The long & short of my story is that I have an extremely sensitive gut.  I blame my genetics as many people in my extended family deal with similar issues.  Due to sensitivities/allergies, I no longer eat gluten or dairy. For a quite a bit of time I was able to manage my symptoms of stomach cramps, headaches, nausea, and bloating through my diet and lifestyle (ie drinking lots of water and exercising regularly).  A little over a year ago, my diet and lifestyle management seemed to stop working. I had horrible heartburn that prevented me from eating much of anything. I went to the ER at one point due to the pain. My Dr. put me on proton-pump inhibitors to reduce the amount of gastric acid my stomach was producing. Because they were not helping, I was tested for H. Pylori then scoped for stomach ulcer. All tests came back negative.

Frustrated by the lack of answers and relief from the pain, I started to research homeopathic ways to help with heartburn and stomach pain. Discovering that the medication I was prescribed was only used to mask the symptoms but often made things worse physiologically, I quit taking the pills. Instead, I began taking enzymes (Superzymes from Meijer), HCl with Pepsin, and drinking raw Apple Cider Vinegar.

I wouldn’t say that I’m symptom free but the supplements have dramatically reduced the duration and severity. On an empty stomach every morning, I drink two tablespoons of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with some water. With breakfast & dinner, I take two pills of both the HCl and Superzymes. At lunch, I just take one HCl with Pepsin and two Superzyme tablets.

Read through the six articles that Chris Kresser wrote for more details on why you should stop taking medication to treat heartburn/acid reflux/GERD.

What Everybody Ought to Know (But Doesn’t) about Heartburn & Gerd

The Hidden Causes of Heartburn and GERD

More Evidence to Support the Theory That GERD Is Caused by Bacterial Overgrowth

How Your Antacid Drug Is Making You Sick (Part A)

How Your Antacid Drug Is Making You Sick (Part B)

Get Rid of Heartburn and GERD Forever in Three Simple Steps

I really enjoyed reading through these articles and learning why the antacids don’t work and the homeopathic treatment is better for the body.

Does any one else have a homeopathic remedy for stomach ailments?

