Back to the Blog

It’s been far too long, friends, and I’m happy to finally get back to blogging! After a long but amazing 14 weeks of my clinical rotation, I will now have the time, brain power, and energy to string coherent sentences together after 5 PM.

Stay tuned for posts about my clinical case study and what to expect during the intense 3-month rotation.

Some how May is here and am both excited and feeling unprepared the warmer weather. My hubby and I decided that we would let our backyard, aside from mowing the grass, do it’s own thing last year. We had just moved into the house, both had relatively new jobs, and I was beginning my internship. It just wasn’t a big priority. Well, now that we suffered through a season of being somewhat ashamed our the jungle we allowed to rise up, we have committed – at least mentally- to fixing up the yard. It’s May and our weekends are basically double booked and we have not even set foot in the yard to pull a weed.

This was…scratch that, IS the year my attempts at gardening will be successful. Do you think I’ve picked up seeds or started any thing? That would be a no. But now that I’ve blogged about it, I’m committed to chronicle the adventure for you all here.

If any one has any advice on the following, I’m all ears…

  1. Enjoy yard work
  2. Create/plant a LOW maintenance landscaped backyard in Zone 5 (Southwest Michigan)
  3. Successfully plant and care for “raised bed” garden – as in what veggies grow best. I’m using stainless steel containers…

With all the chaos that life has been, quick and easy dinners have been a must. Enter the runny-yolk egg that turns basically anything into divine deliciousness. Below is just one of the many, many ways to create a healthy, satisfying dinner from pantry staples in under 20 minutes.

{Soft egg Sweet Potato Boats}


  • 2 large handfuls baby spinach
  • 1 small-medium sweet potato, cooked. (I cook mine in a 350F oven for 2-3 hours. This makes the skin crispy and the inside soft and fluffy)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 TBSP chopped red onion
  • McCormick Montreal Steak Seasoning
  • Salt & Pepper


  1. Spritz a saute pan with cooking spray, add red onion and cook over medium heat for about 2 minutes. Add spinach and a few dashes of Montreal Steak Seasoning. Cook until spinach has wilted and is a deep green color.
  2. While your spinach is cooking, fry egg in a pan. Cook to desired yolk consistency. Salt and pepper egg.
  3. Cut your sweet potato lengthwise and fluff inside using a fork. Place wilted spinach over the top the potato then add your egg. Puncture the yolk to allow it to make a “sauce” over the spinach and sweet potato.

