Red Pepper Potato Salad


My sweet husband ordered a subscription of Bon Appétit Magazine for me. Talk about inspiration. I’ve learned something from every issue that arrives in our mailbox and have so many pages of recipes dog-eared.

I have big kitchen plans for the next few months. I want to make my own yogurt and kombucha. My goal is to try one new Bon Appétit recipe a month. My cocktail game is going to get stronger this summer; I’m adding shrubs to my arsenal and plan to experiment with egg white cocktails.

All this to say, boring and predictable are two words I don’t want uttered about my cooking this summer. Which is why when Dan kept begging me for potato salad, I couldn’t bring myself to make the traditional recipe. Enter Bon Appétit: instant inspiration.

And this is how Red Pepper Potato Salad was born. All the elements for a great potato salad are included but the flavor is far from classic. My intention was to try out making aioli but I ran out of time. Instead, I used olive oil mayo.

If you find you have the time, here is the recipe I intended on using.

{Red Pepper Potato Salad}


  • 6-8 red potatoes, cubed
  • 8 ounces fresh brussels sprouts
  • 2 stalks celery, chopped
  • 2 green onions
  • 1-2 cloves garlic
  • 1 fire roasted red pepper
  • 1/4 heaping cup mayo (or aioli)
  • 3-4 pieces crispy bacon
  • Salt and pepper
  • Paprika & Chili powder, to taste


  1. Wash and cube the potatoes then add to a pot of salted water. Bring to a boil or cook until potatoes are soft but not mushy.
  2. Rinse brussels sprouts and remove the base of the sprout. Cut in half. Add to a blender or food chopper. Pulse until sprouts are finely chopped the set aside.
  3. Once potatoes are cooked, rinse under cold water then salt again. Set aside in a large bowl.
  4. Rinse and chop celery.
  5. Add mayo, garlic clove, and red pepper to the food processor then pulse until mixture is pureed. Add paprika, chili powder, and pepper to taste.
  6. Add brussels sprouts, celery, and sauce to the bowl of potatoes. Coarsely chop bacon and fold in.
  7. Top with chopped green onions.



What Are You Eating?

Having dietary restrictions forces you to become the “picky eater” at family gatherings and social events. I’ve been on a restricted diet due to food intolerances for 15 years. Most would think that my 9-year old self would have encountered more ridicule and side eye for having to pass on things like cake, cookies, bread, crackers, etc. Being a gluten-free tween and teen was far less stressful than being a gluten-free adult. Admittedly, more things have been cut from my diet since then. I no longer eat much, if any, dairy. I don’t eat more than a few bites of meat every few months. I try to buy mostly organic produce and strive to purchase and eat foods that are local to my area.

Before you start judging me, understand that digestion has been issue since birth. I was put on soy formula because my mom was not able to breast feed and I didn’t tolerate regular formula. Before removing gluten from my diet, I dealt with daily stomach aches, headaches, achy joints, and difficulty concentrating. Having IBS throws another curve ball into the situation. While certain foods like wheat/gluten and dairy are definitely “trigger” foods, there are many times that I will eat “safe” foods and still have digestion issues.

I’ve posted before about chronic heartburn and acid reflux. I’ve also shared that I struggle to find a good balance between being a student, an employee, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friends, etc. I know that I’m sensitive to stress and I know that this often affects my digestion.

Having digestion problems often feels like my body is working against me. When my symptoms flare, it makes eating anything really difficult. It is a struggle of dealing with being hangry or feeling worse after eating something. By being selective about what, where, and when I eat allows me to manage these symptoms better.

I’m not trying to be difficult. I’m not judging you for eating bread or ice cream.

With all that being said, I need to ask you something.

Please stop judging me. Stop making me feel even more like a fish out of water every time I pull out my food at social events. Stop asking me if I can eat anything on the menu when I’ve told you before certain restaurants have like zero options for a restricted diet (Yes, you’re right I can have that $15 salad minus the cheese, croutons, meat, and creamy dressing – read I’m now paying an absurd amount of money for bowl of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumber).

I don’t comment about the way that you choose to eat so why do you feel like you are entitled to comment on the way I do? If you want to have an intelligent conversation about why I eat the way I do, I would love to tell you. What I don’t want, however, is to be interrogated. I don’t expect you to understand what it is like to be in my shoes, I’m asking you to respect my choices.



Summer Party Survival

The season of cook-outs, picnics, and summer parties is upon us! And while these gatherings are sure to be filled with fun, they can also do a doozy on that “summer bod” you’ve been working for.

Fear not, with a little planning, you can have your cake and eat it, too. In this post, I’ll share some ways to avoid over indulging .

The first rule: Wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming. Just kidding, swim before, during, and after your meal if you wish. Swimming is a great total body workout and it’s easy on your joints. 🙂

We’ve heard it all before but it is worth repeating, showing up to a summer gathering HANGRY is a recipe for disaster. Let’s be honest, when it feels like our body is eating itself, we reach for the closest edible item without really thinking about what it is. Before you know it, you’ve singlehandedly abolished the chips and salsa before the burgers even hit the grill.  Ensuring you’ve had a meal or snack prior to arriving to your summer shindig will help you make better decisions there.

Scope out the landscape and decide what will get real estate on your plate before bellying up to the food table.  If this feels like too much work or there are just some things you know you can’t say no to, watch your portions. Grab the smaller plate, if you have the option to. Alternatively, start with the greens then work your way to other dishes and limit yourself to one plate.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – with water. Jazz up your H2O with slices of citrus fruit and herbs. Dehydration can make us feel hungry when what your body is actually craving is hydration.

On the topic of liquids, opt for lighter summer libations. Think of alcohol as dessert and, of course, drink responsibly. My go to is cucumber vodka with soda water and a slice of lime. Super refreshing, simple, and free of additional calories from mixers. Drink a glass of water between cocktails to ensure adequate hydration.

Save a few calories by having an “open face” style burger or use a lettuce wrap. Be mindful on how many condiments you add to your burger as those calories can quickly add up.

Perhaps the most simple, yet the hardest trick, walking away from the food area once you’ve had your plate. When the food is right there in front of you, we’re all more likely to graze. Walking away can save you from the “oh I’ll just have a little nibble of this” mentality.

Last but not least, consider bringing along a healthier dish to pass. You can rest assured knowing that you have another option in addition to the veggie platter.


Curry-iously delicious Hummus

Let’s be honest, we are suckers for a good dip. Whether sweet or savory, there is something oddly satisfying about dipping and munching.

Any one who’s been following my blog for a while knows my dip of choice is hummus – or gauc- (they’re both favorites! bonus points if you understand that reference).  Hummus is a great source of protein, healthy fats, and makes eating veggies all the more fun. Store bought hummus is usually made with added oils and preservatives, plus it is way more expensive to buy rather than make it.

Aside from classic hummus, I have a handful of add-ins like rosemary or roasted red peppers that I usually throw in when making hummus. But this time, I decided to take a walk on the wild side.

We’ve recently discovered the magical power of curry paste. A teaspoon whisked in to just about anything and *BAM* just like that, you’ve taken your dish to a whole new level. Hummus, as it turns out, is not an exception.

{Curry Hummus}


  • 1 can chickpeas
  • 1/4 cup Tahini
  • 1 lime
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon red curry paste
  • 1 teaspoon granulated ginger
  • 1 teaspoon basil leaves (Fresh


  1. Partially drain about 3/4 of the fluid from the chickpeas. Add the chickpeas, along with the fluid, to your food processor.
  2. Cut your lime in half and squeeze the juice into the food processor. Add remaining ingredients to food processor.
  3. Blend on high until hummus is smooth and creamy.
  4. Serve with veggies or pita chips.



Mango Black Bean Quinoa Salad

The days are getting longer and the sun has been showing its glorious face the last few days. Hooray for Vitamin D!

Our small group had a little Cinco de Mayo party yesterday and I made this salad. It’s fresh and simple with the perfect balance of nuttiness from the quinoa and sweetness from the mango.

Throw together salads like this are my favorite. It only takes a few minutes to put together, they are portable, and taste even better after a day.

{Mango Black Bean Quinoa Salad}


  • About 1 cup mango chunks
  • 1 1/2 cups (loosely packed) fresh cilantro
  • 1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 1 cup dry quinoa
  • 2 cups water or vegetable stock
  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1/4 cup pineapple juice
  • 2 TBSP lime juice
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Chili powder, to taste
  • Paprika, to taste
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder


  1. In a rice cooker or on the stove top, cook 1 cup of quinoa with 2 cups of water.
  2. Meanwhile, in a food processor, combine cilantro, mango, and pineapple juice. Pulse until smooth. Place mango-cilantro mixture in a medium bowl.
  3. In the food processor, pulse red onion and bell pepper together to desired consistency.
  4. Once quinoa is cooked, add to bowl with mango-cilantro mixture. Stir together with red onion-bell pepper mixture and black beans
  5. Add lime juice and spices. Stir to combine then gently fold in diced avocado.



Back to the Blog

It’s been far too long, friends, and I’m happy to finally get back to blogging! After a long but amazing 14 weeks of my clinical rotation, I will now have the time, brain power, and energy to string coherent sentences together after 5 PM.

Stay tuned for posts about my clinical case study and what to expect during the intense 3-month rotation.

Some how May is here and am both excited and feeling unprepared the warmer weather. My hubby and I decided that we would let our backyard, aside from mowing the grass, do it’s own thing last year. We had just moved into the house, both had relatively new jobs, and I was beginning my internship. It just wasn’t a big priority. Well, now that we suffered through a season of being somewhat ashamed our the jungle we allowed to rise up, we have committed – at least mentally- to fixing up the yard. It’s May and our weekends are basically double booked and we have not even set foot in the yard to pull a weed.

This was…scratch that, IS the year my attempts at gardening will be successful. Do you think I’ve picked up seeds or started any thing? That would be a no. But now that I’ve blogged about it, I’m committed to chronicle the adventure for you all here.

If any one has any advice on the following, I’m all ears…

  1. Enjoy yard work
  2. Create/plant a LOW maintenance landscaped backyard in Zone 5 (Southwest Michigan)
  3. Successfully plant and care for “raised bed” garden – as in what veggies grow best. I’m using stainless steel containers…

With all the chaos that life has been, quick and easy dinners have been a must. Enter the runny-yolk egg that turns basically anything into divine deliciousness. Below is just one of the many, many ways to create a healthy, satisfying dinner from pantry staples in under 20 minutes.

{Soft egg Sweet Potato Boats}


  • 2 large handfuls baby spinach
  • 1 small-medium sweet potato, cooked. (I cook mine in a 350F oven for 2-3 hours. This makes the skin crispy and the inside soft and fluffy)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 TBSP chopped red onion
  • McCormick Montreal Steak Seasoning
  • Salt & Pepper


  1. Spritz a saute pan with cooking spray, add red onion and cook over medium heat for about 2 minutes. Add spinach and a few dashes of Montreal Steak Seasoning. Cook until spinach has wilted and is a deep green color.
  2. While your spinach is cooking, fry egg in a pan. Cook to desired yolk consistency. Salt and pepper egg.
  3. Cut your sweet potato lengthwise and fluff inside using a fork. Place wilted spinach over the top the potato then add your egg. Puncture the yolk to allow it to make a “sauce” over the spinach and sweet potato.




#gains granola

So a few weeks ago, as I elliptical-ed my little hear out, I got sucked into an infomercial. The same you can’t help but stare at road kill on the shoulder, I couldn’t peel my eyes from the TV. Hook, line, and sinker – they had me drinking the Kool Aid. 

Before I knew it, darn you Amazon with your one-click ordering, Body Beast was ordered. I ordered the workout videos as a Valentine’s Day present for the hubby. Back in college he had used the Insanity workouts to keep in shape. With his ever changing schedule, he often finds it difficult to fit in a workout at the gym. Solution: bring the gym to him. 

True to his personality, it’s all or nothing. As soon as he tore open the box to reveal his present, we were mapping out his plan of action. We set up a meal plan using the one included as a guideline. I went out and got a stability ball, a resistance band, and ordered weights. The home gym and nutrition center will be open for business by the end of the week. 

Not being one to get up any earlier than necessary, we strategized quick grab-and-go breakfasts that he could easily eat in the car. Granola was one breakfast that Saggi recommends and Daniel was eager to try. Since we didn’t have all the ingredients on hand for the recipe included in the book, I came up with the recipe below. 

{#gains granola}


  • 1 cup old fashioned oats
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 2 tablespoons ground flax meal
  • 1/4 cup banana chips 
  • 1/4 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 3/4 scoop chocolate peanut butter protein powder
  • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
  • 2 TBSP agave nectar


  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. In a medium bowl, mix together ingredients until well combined. 
  3. Spread mixture over a cookie sheet and bake 60 minutes.
  4. Every 15 minutes, stir granola to ensure even baking and prevent burning. 
  5. Cool for ~40 minutes, break into pieces as necessary. 
  6. Enjoy 1/4 cup with milk or yogurt and fruit.



Exciting News!

I am beyond thrilled to announce that I’ll be partnering with two amazing companies in the coming months!

The first team I’ve become a part of is Siggi’s RD2BE ambassadors. If you are a dietetic student looking to join, contact the wonderful team on the Siggi’s website for more info. Being a Scandinavian gal, this is just the beginning of a beautiful relationship. You can expect recipes and coupons to be featured on this blog, so stay tuned! Follow my blog to get email notifications about when I post so you don’t miss any opportunities for the chance to score coupons.

Next, I’m also teaming up with MINDBODY. If you aren’t familiar with them, go to your app store and download the MINDBODY app right now. Seriously, do it. I use this app to book my yoga classes each week and to find other gyms, fitness studios, and spas around me. Online booking is the bees knees. I can even sync the app with my calendar so that I won’t forget about classes that I book at say, 9 0’clock at night after a glass of wine.

Follow me on Instagram at dani_elle_92 to keep up with all the latest ins and outs of a life striving toward balance.



Broccoli Quinoa Glow Bowl

Just so you know, I hate the name I gave this recipe. I couldn’t think of anything better. The name isn’t so good, but the dish is, a good trade-off if you ask me…

Words can’t express my thankfulness for dishes like this. Throw everything in a bowl, mix it up, then enjoy. The leftovers taste even better as the flavors of the dressing marinate the veggies.

I used my dark purple carrots from Crisp County Acres, check out their website here. I took the BQGB to a super bowl party and everyone kept asking what the dark purple things were; beets, cranberries? No, friends, those are carrots! It was a fun little fact to share with people. It opened up a great conversation about buying local foods and knowing who grows your food.

I’m still figuring out the art of making salad dressings at home so I did use a little store bought dressing for the BQGB. Feel free to use your own homemade dressing, which, I’m sure, would be even better the concoction I came up with…

{Broccoli Quinoa Glow Bowl}


  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups low sodium organic vegetable broth
  • 3-4 carrots, quartered
  • 1/2 small onion, diced
  • 1 stalk green onion, cut into small pieces
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar snap peas, cut into thirds
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 orange bell pepper, diced
  • 2 cups broccoli florets
  • 2 tsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp fresh diced basil
  • 1 tsp fresh diced cilantro
  • 3 TBSP Asian sesame dressing
  • 2 TBSP orange marmalade
  • 2 TBSP low sodium soy sauce
  • Salt & pepper, to taste


  1. In a rice cooker or in a pan over medium heat, cook quinoa in vegetable stock.
  2. While quinoa cooks, wash and cut vegetables and herbs. Add to a large bowl
  3. In a medium bowl, mix together bottled salad dressing, soy sauce, and orange marmalade until combined.
  4. Add cooked quinoa to bowl with cut veggies and herbs. Mix until combined. Add sesame seeds and dressing, again, mix to combine.
  5. Salt and pepper to taste.



Mango Morning Smoothie

I’m not sure why I find the need to use alliterations when I come up with names for smoothies….

At any rate, this smoothie is delish!

A few weeks ago, I signed up to participate in Siggi’s RD2BE ambassador program. I couldn’t wait to try their Filmjölk, which is the Scandinavian version of Kefir.

I grabbed a bottle of the Vanilla and it is divine! I would say it is a little less bitter than Kefir but I’ve mostly been using it in smoothies.

My stomach issues have really flared up this week which means I’m limited to a pretty bland diet. When my heartburn and stomach are really upset, smoothies are a go to meal option. I had gotten into the habit of just making one to two smoothies and, thanks to Siggi’s, I’ve been set free! The smoothie is thick, smooth, and creamy.

Now, for the secret ingredient….Aloe Vera gel! Like I said on Instagram, Aloe Vera gel is supposed to be beneficial for skin and digestive health. While I don’t know if any clinical based studies have been published, lots of homeopathic site make claims.

{Mango Morning Smoothie}


  • 1 cup Siggi’s Filmjölk
  • 1/2 cup Frozen Tropical fruit mix
  • 1/2 cup Frozen Mango
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 small handful spinach
  • 1/2 tsp chia seeds
  • 2 ounces Aloe Vera gel
  • 1/2 tsp pomegranate seeds


  1. In a blender, combine Filmjölk, tropical fruit blend, mango, spinach, aloe vera gel, and chia seeds. Blend on high until smooth, scraping down the sides as necessary.
  2. Pour into cup and top with pomegranate seeds.

