Red Pepper Potato Salad


My sweet husband ordered a subscription of Bon Appétit Magazine for me. Talk about inspiration. I’ve learned something from every issue that arrives in our mailbox and have so many pages of recipes dog-eared.

I have big kitchen plans for the next few months. I want to make my own yogurt and kombucha. My goal is to try one new Bon Appétit recipe a month. My cocktail game is going to get stronger this summer; I’m adding shrubs to my arsenal and plan to experiment with egg white cocktails.

All this to say, boring and predictable are two words I don’t want uttered about my cooking this summer. Which is why when Dan kept begging me for potato salad, I couldn’t bring myself to make the traditional recipe. Enter Bon Appétit: instant inspiration.

And this is how Red Pepper Potato Salad was born. All the elements for a great potato salad are included but the flavor is far from classic. My intention was to try out making aioli but I ran out of time. Instead, I used olive oil mayo.

If you find you have the time, here is the recipe I intended on using.

{Red Pepper Potato Salad}


  • 6-8 red potatoes, cubed
  • 8 ounces fresh brussels sprouts
  • 2 stalks celery, chopped
  • 2 green onions
  • 1-2 cloves garlic
  • 1 fire roasted red pepper
  • 1/4 heaping cup mayo (or aioli)
  • 3-4 pieces crispy bacon
  • Salt and pepper
  • Paprika & Chili powder, to taste


  1. Wash and cube the potatoes then add to a pot of salted water. Bring to a boil or cook until potatoes are soft but not mushy.
  2. Rinse brussels sprouts and remove the base of the sprout. Cut in half. Add to a blender or food chopper. Pulse until sprouts are finely chopped the set aside.
  3. Once potatoes are cooked, rinse under cold water then salt again. Set aside in a large bowl.
  4. Rinse and chop celery.
  5. Add mayo, garlic clove, and red pepper to the food processor then pulse until mixture is pureed. Add paprika, chili powder, and pepper to taste.
  6. Add brussels sprouts, celery, and sauce to the bowl of potatoes. Coarsely chop bacon and fold in.
  7. Top with chopped green onions.



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