What to Buy Organic

Think of this as the What Not to Wear food edition.  I am a big proponent of organic foods, even more so of those grown locally. Farmer’s Markets are a great way to find both of those & Kalamazoo has a great market. I wish I could say that I make it to the Farmer’s Market every week, but I don’t. In fact, I rarely do. It’s on my list of things to get better at….

I stand at the cross roads of knowing that organic foods are shown to be higher in nutrients and better for the environment and being on budget. This leaves me with the task of deciding which produce items to buy organic (hopefully local) and which to buy conventionally grown.

Enter the DIRTY DOZEN. I’m sure you’ve at least glanced over this list a few times & maybe even thought of it as you’ve wandered through the produce section at the grocery store. And until recently, I would’ve been in the same boat as you. But as I’ve learned more about how conventionally grown produce is saturated in pesticides & chemicals then coated with waxes, I have become incredibly aware of what I put in my cart.  Consider the fact that fruits and vegetables contain a high percentage of water and that they absorb what sits on their skin or in the soil above and around them.  Inevitably, some of the pesticides and chemicals sprayed onto crops & the soil they grown in will make their way into the produce. Gross.

The dirty dozen is a list of the most sprayed & the produce which retains the most chemicals in their skin & flesh. Buy these ORGANIC.

Your taste buds & body will thank you. I was shocked at the taste difference between organic & conventionally grown produce on this list. Take grapes, for example.  I l-o-v-e grapes. When I grocery shop, I have to put them out of arms reach because I will the whole bag (unwashed! CRINGE!!) Organic grapes are much more plump & flavorful – they also last much longer.

The clean 15 are the produce items that are sprayed much less.  These foods are considered safe to buy conventionally grown.

The infograph I’ve attached to this post provides the list & some extra info about shopping organic.




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